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I tried out the file version and then signed up for a cloud account. How to I switch?Navigate to your folder where your database is stored and delete it (or rename it). When you next start PoolPass, it will start over with the initial setup process. Choose a new directory and select "Cloud-Based".
I set up PoolPass but in order to change anything I need a "Administrator" password."The default administrator password is "admin". It's good practice to change this to something unique. The administrator password can be changed on the Configuration tab.
What if my community has multiple pools?The cloud mode works best for multiple locations. You only need one cloud account even if you have multiple check-in locations (pools, gyms, etc.) as long as your Members for each facility are the same. You can even track check-ins by location - set the location name in the Configuration tab for each device at the location's point-of-entry.
Is there a way to "check out" Members?"Yes - version 4.0 has a check-out option. Enable it on the Configuration tab.
How do guest passes work?Each Membership can be assigned a number of guest passes to use. These are depleted when a Member belonging to the Membership admits a guest. You can replenish guest passes for a single Membership, or add more to every Membership at once, according to your own policies.
When I try to install the Windows version, I get a SmartScreen warning."When you download the Windows version, your browser may tell you that PoolPass is not commonly downloaded. You may select "More" or "More Actions" and "Run Anyway" to install it. In an effort to combat malware, Microsoft requires an application earn a reputation through code signing and other methods. PoolPass is working to obtain a certified reputation.
What is the difference between the Mac App Store version and the one available from is available free in the Mac App Store however it is a "sandboxed" version, which limits some of the functionality in favor of security. Sandboxed applications have only limited access to the fllesystem so it can be cumbersome to import or export databases. The Mac App Store version is also limited to 50 members maximum for file databases and cannot be upgraded with a license. For more discussion on what sandboxing means, check out this CNET article.
Do you offer a version that runs on Linux?Not directly downloadable, but it can be provided. Contact us for more information.
What are the hardware requirements?For desktop software, select a computer with a minimum screen resolution of 1280 x 768, and USB ports if you are using a barcode scanner and/or a webcam. Almost any basic, entry level computer will work. A basic laptop computer is a good choice for a front desk with limited space. If there is no power nearby, look for a laptop with an extended battery, a slower processor, and a solid-state hard drive for maximum battery life. Consider a external power pack that can help your computer last the whole day. For the iOS app, an iPhone or iPad tablet running iOS 12.0 or later is required. A network connection is required for the cloud internet service. PC and Mac computers can use either wireless or wired barcode scanners. For the iOS app, use either the built-in camera or a bluetooth wireless barcode scanner.
Can I buy hardware from you?We are strictly a software company and don't sell hardware. If you're not comfortable putting together a system, we recommend one of our partners, SPP, who can provide a turnkey hardware package with PoolPass software installed and ready to run.
How do I back up my database?Its always wise to back up your database regularly. For file based configurations, you can configure automatic backups in the Configuration tab. To back up manually, first close the PoolPass application. Navigate to the folder where you are storing your database. The folder contains a config file and files with all your Memberships. Simply drag this folder to another location, like a USB stick or external drive. When you install and run PoolPass for the first time you can select an existing database. If you use the folder you copied, then PoolPass will load this data instead of creating a new database. Use the same password that you originally used for the database. The database on iOS in standalone mode is backed up when you back up your device using iTunes. If you're using the PoolPass cloud service, your data is automatically backed up each day and archives are maintained in case of server failures.
What if I forgot my Administrator password?You can delete the configuration file in your database folder. When you start PoolPass the next time, it will ask you to create a new database or to select an existing database. If you select the same database folder, all the existing Memberships will be loaded, but your configuration will be reset (including the default Administrator password). Note that you will lose all your settings and your check-in history (for file based configurations).
What if I forgot my Database password?The Membership files (database) are encrypted for privacy. Unfortunately, there is no way to break this encryption if you have lost your password. We recommend you use a password that can be easily remembered or write it down and store it in a safe place. For cloud accounts, contact your PoolPass administrator.
How do I change a Membership ID (name)?The Membership ID cannot be changed once created. However, you can create a new Membership with the new desired name and the reassign each Member from the old Membership to the new Membership. All Member data is preserved when reassigning to a new Membership.
How do I upgrade my version?Simply download the new version from the website and install it. Your old settings will be retained. The iOS app can be automatically updated through the App Store.
How do I delete my database and start over?Navigate to your folder where your database is stored and delete it (or rename it). When you next start PoolPass, it will start over with the initial setup process. For the iOS app, just uninstall the app and reinstall it from the App Store.
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